Saturday, February 1, 2014

Valentines day...

         Hi Gals and guys!

Today I wanted to talk a little bit about love and Valentines! This month is the time to embrace one another and love each-other. You don't have to have a boyfriend or girlfriend to love but it can even be a family member. Show your thanks to somebody and tell them how much they mean to you even if you're just friends. This month I like to take the time to write a letter to everybody I know and tell them how much they mean to me. This month is my birthday is coming up so I'm super excited about that. Anyway, off the subject about me LOL. I wanted to share this rose petal facial for the gals and a mud mask for the guys for When you're getting ready to go on that special date or just hang out!

Rose Petal Facial for the gals!- The rose petal face mask is soothing to the skin, and the petals have antiseptic properties, destroying bacteria that can cause acne flare-ups. With a handful of roses you can make yourself your own rose petal mask.

  • Rip the petals from the roses and shred into pieces. Measure out 1/8 cup of petals. Set aside.
  • Put 1/3 cup of the rolled oats into a food processor. Using the "pulse" feature, grind the oatmeal for a few seconds until it resembles a coarse flour.
      • Add rose petals to the oatmeal in the food processor. Pulse again for 10 seconds
      • Add two teaspoons of rose water, and then 1/4 cup of honey to the rose petals and oatmeal mixture. Pulse for 10 seconds. If you have a difficult time getting the mixture to blend well in your food processor, you can mix it vigorously by hand, or try it in a blender. Often larger food processors don't work well for small mixing small amounts of ingredients.
      • Apply the rose petal mixture to your face and allow it to stay on for 30 minutes. Rinse off with warm water and gently towel your skin dry.! 

    Mud Mask for guys- Mud Mask for guys might sound silly. If you are battling dry skin or acne and you wanna look good for your date or friend I recommend doing this! 
    You can enjoy all the benefits of a mud facial mask at home anytime. The ingredients are readily and inexpensively available at your local health food store.
  • Mix French clay and kaolin clay together. If using the powder forms of clay, mix with water until smooth. Green clay can be substituted for French clay.
  • Add aloe vera gel, rosewater and oil and stir until mixture becomes a thick paste.
  • Cleanse skin with facial soap and warm water. Pat dry.
  • Smooth mud mask over face starting with sides of the face and forehead.
  • Allow mask to dry on face between 10-15 minutes.
  • Rinse your face with warm water and pat dry.
  • Refrigerate remaining mask for up to four weeks and apply once a week.

  • Hope you enjoyed! Don't forget to check out my Beauty Channel for more tips and tricks! xoxo

    Wednesday, January 22, 2014

    New Years! Changing up your look?!

        Hey Gals! Welcome back to the Beauty Bar!
    I've been gone away forever but I'm here now to chat about the New Years! I have committed myself into being healthier no matter what! I need to lose 65 pounds and at the moment I weigh 176. So many things to do in so little time! I'm hoping to ease into a being a Vegetarian by this year. I've also been in touch with my spiritual side more. My goal for the year, is to slow down and enjoy life more. I suspect most of the people out there are trying to loose weight for their goals, correct? Recently I've been wanting an edgy look. Something new and fresh! I love changing up my look once a month to shake things up. I thought you guys would like a list on how to change things up if your'e getting tired of the same old same old. Hope you enjoy! Leave comments telling me about your New Years resolutions and if this post helped you!

    1:  Release: If your depressed or feeling stressed and down, Release! There is many ways to release yourself and what I mean by "Release" is letting go of the past and forgiving people. If you don't forgive or let go of the past, you can never move forward. Even though it's hard you must do it!

    2: Being Healthy: I have noticed when I eat a lot of pancakes or junk food I become depressed, clunky and oily. Eating fresh and clean foods makes you feel happy! A study shows when you eat healthy foods, you become more relaxed and your acne will be less. Your skin glows, your hair is more healthier and your giving your body some love. Your body needs some TLC!

    3: Changing up my look: I love to change up my look every month. I put on my makeup differently and change my outfits. For the month of February I'll go for a softer look ( my b-day is coming up on February 8th if you guys didn't know ^_^). This month I'm sticking to an edgier look.

    4: Change your behavior: If your not already a happy person skip this step if you want. When your'e feeling down or depressed, I love to brighten up my day by saying a quick prayer and opening up the blinds to let in the beautiful sunshine. Think about all the wonderful things you have. Think about today and just keep pushing on. If you talk bad about yourself or others it just makes you a dark person, so happy up! Your'e beautiful and thats how God made you! Who cares what other people say?! You wont care about them in 20 years!

    5: Embrace: Embrace life more and enjoy what you have. People tend to take things for granted. Stop and slow down. Love your family because they could be gone in an instant! Love yourself for who you are. I know this sounds cheesy but follow your heart and be who you wanna be! Don't be what other people want you to be! <3

    I love you gals! Don't forget to check out my youtube channel! Have questions, requests or feedback? Write down in the comments or e-mail me!  

    Thursday, December 12, 2013


        Hey Gals! Welcome back to the Beauty Bar. Today I'm gonna talk about being stressed around the holidays. For me,  my family likes to get in a lot of arguments and personally I think it's a waste of time and just wish everybody could relax. But I don't think that will happen in my house where everybody's relaxed so I'm gonna give you some streps on how to relax during the holidays. 

    1: If someones fighting with a family member in the same room, just walk away and go into a different part of the house. If you stay around that behavior it'll just make you nervous and then you'll want to yell at them both. Try your best to stay out of fights! 

    2: Drink a hot cup of tea or warm water if you're feeling stressed. Don't drink coffee as its gonna wire up your system and we want the opposite of that. Try to find some caffeine free tea. Take a hot bath! When you take hot baths, studies show it calms your nerves and helps you relax better. I love to put a few drops of lavender oil in the bath water. 

    3: When your fighting with another family member it's best to say nothing. If they yell at you just sit and don't say a word. I tend to just wait until the other family member is done yelling at me and then I go take a hot shower or read a book. 

    4: A lot of people like to binge on food as a release from stress. I tend to do that too much but try to focus on other things when you feel like eating. Maybe watch a movie, Paint, Knit Etc... Do whatever you feel like doing, just don't go eat cause you'll get really depressed once you weigh yourself! LOL

    5: I like to make goals for myself at the beginning of every month. I would recommend making small goals because if you make big goals you will probably fail and then get mad at yourself. For example, my goal this week is to finish making a lap blanket. Just small goals in a steady pace and it'll give you something to do each week. 

    6: Don't try to be peacemaker in an argument!!! Just let them have it out, or you'll regret it. Stop trying to make everybody happy because your plans will be a big fail! If you try to be peacemaker your just gonna get yelled at more so try to stay out of things as much as possible and keep to yourself. 

    7: A lot of people argue over presents! I like to buy each person one present every year. Don't go over the top in buying presents. They are just gifts and you'll probably argue over who has the biggest or how you didn't get enough. Try to just talk with a family member about buying one present for each person that way you don't argue over it. 

    8: Breakouts! When I get stressed I get pimples and thats not pretty! These steps will help prevent that but if you want a little more power to blast away those zits try a stress acne kit. Heres the link to one. Click here to buy a stress acne kit! Yes it is expensive but it's worth it! 

                Merry Christmas! Subscribe to my youtube channel! Click here to see my youtube channel!

    Friday, November 15, 2013

    Pixie Cut!

            Hey Gals welcome back to the Beauty Bar! I'm the kind of person that loves this winter weather! It's getting windy! But anyway I want to talk about the Pixie Cut Process. Lately It's been really popular to get a haircut short like the pixie. I decided to get one and it looks amazing! You have to make sure that you would look good with one. If you have a long face and a big head it probably wouldn't work out. Pixie Cuts are for people with round faces or small oval shaped faces. I got mine spur of the moment LOL! She cut up and over my ear and I was scared to death! You have to have some product if you are going to have a pixie cut. I use mouse, hair wax Etc... It's really fun to have a pixie because it's not a lot of work and it super cute. I got mine a little edgy because I really like the rough pixie cute look. If you decide to get a pixie cut post a picture of you in the comments! <3

    Monday, October 7, 2013


             Hey Gals! Welcome back to the "Beauty Bar!!!"
    Todays topic is Autumn! My favorite season is definitely Fall and I've got some cool ideas for fall :-)
    I love to wear dark colors during fall so I recommend wearing a plum nail color or a black jumper for a more of an edgy look for Fall. If you want to look sweet and innocent I would wear a pumpkin color or maybe even a light brown. My favorite outfit for the season so far, is my black jumper suit with a brown cardigan and a pair of maroon colored wedges! SOOO CUTE! Whats your style this Season? Hope you guys are enjoying this wonderful Fall weather! My favorite part of Fall is drinking apple cider and having a slice of pumpkin pie! YUMMY! (^_^) Bye guys!!!! Don't forget to check out my new "Get ready with me video fall edition + OOTD!!" Heres the link! Don't forget to like and subscribe!

    Click here to see my latest video!!